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10. Write a short note on 

      (e) Effect of temperature or water scarcity and the adaptations of animals.

Answers (1)

(e) Effects of temperature or water scarcity and the adaptations of animals:

Temperature is considered to be the most important ecological factor.  The average temperature varies from one place to another and these temperature variations affect the distribution of plants as well as animals on the Earth. There are animals which cannot tolerate a wide range of temperature and these animals are called stenothermal animals. The animals which can tolerate a wide range of temperatures are called eurythermal animals. Some animals also undergo adaptations to suit their natural habitats. For example, the animals found in colder areas have shorter ears and limbs to prevent the loss of heat from their bodies. Similarly, animals like polar bears have thick layers of fat below their skin and thick coats of fur to prevent the loss of heat in polar regions. Some animals show adaptations like hibernation and aestivation to escape harsh winter and summer conditions respectively to respond to the temperature conditions.

Water scarcity is another factor that forces animals to undergo certain adaptations to suit their natural habitat. Adaptations of desert animals are mainly to conserve water. For example, Animals found in deserts such as desert kangaroo rats, lizards, snakes, etc. are well adapted to their habitat. The kangaroo rat found in the deserts of Arizona never drinks water in its life. It has the ability to concentrate its urine to conserve water.

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