Write the fraction in the simplest form:
Step 1: Identify the greatest common divisor (GCD)
First, we need to find the GCD of the numerator (143) and the denominator (165).
Step 2: Factor the numbers
- The factors of 143 are:
- 143 can be divided by 11 (since $143 \div 11=13$ ), so the factors are $11 \times 13$.
- The factors of 165 are:
-165 can be divided by 11 (since $165 \div 11=15$ ), so the factors are $11 \times 15$.
Step 3: Simplify the fraction
Now we can rewrite the fraction using the factors:
\frac{143}{165}=\frac{11 \times 13}{11 \times 15}
Since both the numerator and the denominator have a common factor of 11, we can cancel it out:
\frac{11 \times 13}{11 \times 15}=\frac{13}{15}
Step 4: Check for further simplification
Now, we need to check if $\frac{13}{15}$ can be simplified further. The numbers 13 and 15 do not have any common factors other than 1.
Final Answer
Thus, the fraction $\frac{143}{165}$ in its simplest form is: $