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(a) Draw a graph showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon \left ( \frac{BE}{A} \right ) vs mass number A for the nuclei in 20\leq A\leq 170\cdot.
(b) A nucleus of mass number 240 and having binding energy/nucleon 7.6 MeV splits into two fragments Y, Z of mass numbers 110 and 130 respectively. If the binding energy/nucleon of Y, Z is equal to 8.5 MeV each, calculate the energy released in the nuclear reaction.



Answers (1)

   X^{240}\rightarrow Y^{110}+Z^{130}+Q
Q= 110\times 8\cdot 5+130\times 8\cdot 5-240\times 7\cdot 6
    = 240\times 8\cdot 5-240\times 7\cdot 6
  = 240\left ( 0\cdot 9 \right )
 = 216\, MeV

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Safeer PP

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