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A field is in a shape of a quadrilateral ABCD, in which AB= 18m, AD= 24m, BC= 40m, DC= 50m and angle A= 90 degree. Find the area of the field.

Answers (1)



The  quadrilateral ABCD is divided into two triangles . ABD and BCD.

⇒  ABD is a right angle triangle .

⇒ Area =( 1/2) (AB) (AD) as Angle A is 90 , 

⇒   Ab is the altitude and AD is the base = \ 1/2	imes 18	imes 24=216 

\ Rightarrow BC^2=AB^2+ AD^2Rightarrow BC=30

BCD triangle 

S = semi perimeter=60 

⇒ AREA = \sqrt60	imes 30	imes 20	imes 10=600

Total area=\816cm2

Posted by

Deependra Verma

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