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(a)    How will you convert the following:

        (i)    Ethanal to propan-2-ol
        (ii)    Phenol to 2-hydroxyacetophenone

(b)    Why is phenol more acidic than ethanol?Why is phenol more acidic than ethanol?





Answers (1)


(a)    (i)    Ethanal to Propan-2-ol


        (ii)    Phenol to 2-hydroxyacetophenone


(b)    Phenol is more acidic than ethanol due to resonance in phenol, o atom of OH bond becomes electron deficient which makes the release of H+easier. And stronger acid has a more stable conjugate base. Phenoxide ion is resonance stabilized but alkoxide ion is not

Posted by

Sumit Saini

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