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Answer the following questions :
(a) In a single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is made double the original width. How does this affect the size and intensity of the central diffraction band?
(b) How is the width of the central maximum changed when red light is replaced by blue?
(c) In what way is diffraction from each slit related to the interference pattern in a double-slit experiment?



Answers (1)


width of the central diffraction band is given by 


where d is the width of the slit.

So when we double the width of the slit, the size of the central diffraction band reduces to half of its value. But, the light amplitude becomes double, which increase the intensity 4 times.

b) The width is proportional to the wavelength. The wavelength of blue light is less than the wavelength of red light. Therefore when the red light is replaced by blue light the width of central maximum reduces.

c) In the double-slit experiment, the pattern on the screen is actually a superposition of single-slit diffraction from each slit or hole and the double-slit interference pattern.

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Safeer PP

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