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Construct a \bigtriangleup ABC \: with\: AB = 6\: cm, BC = 5 \: cm \: and \: B = 60^{\circ}. Now construct another triangle whose sides are 2/3 times the corresponding sides of \bigtriangleup ABC



Answers (1)

(ii) Now construct angle 60 from point B and draw AB = 5 cm.

(iii) Join point C with point A. Thus \Delta ABC is the required triangle.

(iv) Draw a line BX which makes an acute angle with BC and is opposite of vertex A.

(v) Cut four equal parts of line BX namely BB , BB 2 and BB .

(vi) Now join B 3 to C. Draw a line B 2 C' parallel to B 3 C.

(vii) And then draw a line B'C' parallel to BC.

Hence \Delta AB'C' is the required triangle.

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Safeer PP

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