Construct a triangle with sides 5 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm and then another triangle whose sides are of the corresponding sides of the first triangle.
We need to construct first a with direction 5,6,7 cms
Step for Construction
(i) Draw a line BC = 7 cm
(ii) Taking B as centre draw an arc with radius 6 cm
(iii) Taking C as centre draw an arc with radius 5 cm
(iv) The point where the arcs intersect is the point A
(v) Join AB and AC is farmed
(vi) Now take scale facter of
(vii) Draw a ray BX making an acute angle with BC
(viii) Taking scale factor of mark 5 equidistant points (B1,B2,B3,B4,B5) on BX having BB1=B1B2=B2B3=B3B4=B4B5
(ix)Join B5C
(x) Draw a parallel line B3C' || B5 C
(xi) Draw a parallel line from C' [A' C' || AC]
(x) is formed which is of