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Find the area of the segment shown in Fig 2, if the radius of the circle is 21 cm and \angle \mathrm{AOB} = 120\degree\left(\text{Use }\pi =\frac{22}{7} \right )





Answers (1)

In a given circle,

    Radius (r) = 21 cm

    and \angle \mathrm{AOB} = 120\degree

Area of segment AYB = Area of sector OAYB - Area of \DeltaOAB

\begin{align*} \text{Area of sector OAYB} & = \frac{120}{360}\times \pi r^2 & = \frac{120}{360}\times \frac{22}{7}\times (21)^2 \\ & = 462 \mathrm{cm}^2 \end{align*}

Finding the area of \DeltaAOB

    \begin{align*} \mathrm{Area of \Delta OAB} & = \frac{1}{2}\mathrm {Base\times Height} \end{align*}

We draw ON \perp AB

    \therefore\angle \text{OMB} = \angle \text{ONA} = 90\degree

In \DeltaOMA and \DeltaOMB

            \angle OMA = \angle OMB\quad (Both \ 90\degree)

            OA = OB \quad (\text{Radius of circle})

            OM = OM \quad (\text{Common side})

      \therefore \Delta OMA \cong \Delta OMB\quad (\text{By R.H.S congruence})

    \Rightarrow \angle AOM = \angle BOM\quad (\text{CPCT})

    \Rightarrow \angle AOM = \angle BOM = \frac{1}{2}\angle BOA = 60\degree


                \frac{OM}{OA} = \cos 60\degree

                \frac{OM}{21} = \frac{1}{2}

        \Rightarrow OM = \frac{21}{2}cm

Now,     \frac{AM}{OA} = \sin 60\degree = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}

            AM = \frac{21\sqrt{3}}{2}cm

Therefore,    AB = 2AM = 2\times \frac{21\sqrt{3}}{2}cm = 21\sqrt{3} cm

So, Area of \DeltaOAB = \frac{1}{2}AB\times OM = \frac{1}{2} \times 21\sqrt{3} \times \frac{21}{2} = \frac{441}{4}\sqrt{3}cm^2

Therefore area of the segment AYB

                    \\ = \left[462 - \frac{441}{4} \sqrt{3}\mathrm{ \ cm}^2\right]



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Safeer PP

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