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In Figure 1, E is a point on CB produced of an isosceles \Delta ABC, with sideAB=AC. If AD\perp BC and EF\perp AC, prove that \Delta ABD\sim \Delta ECF.





Answers (1)

Given - ABC is isosceles \Delta where AB=AC and AD\perp BC\; \; ;\; EF\perp AC

To prove - \Delta ABD\sim \Delta ECF

Proof - As AC=AB hence \angle C=\angle B (angles opp to equal  sides of an isocelus triangle are equal)

 In \Delta ABD and \Delta ECF

        \angle ABD=\angle ECF         ____(i)

\Rightarrow \angle ADB=\angle EFC\; \; \; \; (\therefore both\; 90^{\circ}) _____(ii)

From (i) and (ii) we can say by AA similarity,

\Rightarrow \Delta ABD\sim \Delta ECF

Hence proved

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Safeer PP

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