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PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P and Q intersect at an external point T. Find the length of PT.





Answers (1)

Given radius  OP=OQ=5

length of chord, PQ=4\; cm

OT\perp PQ

In right  \bigtriangleup O\!P\!M,




O\!M=3\; cm

In right  \bigtriangleup PT\!M,

PT^2=T\!M^2+P\!M^2 \;\;\;\;\;\;-(1)

\angle O\!PT=90^{\circ}

OT^2=PT^2+O\!P^2 \;\;\;\;\;\;-(2)

From eqn (1) and (2), we get

\Rightarrow OT^2=(T\!M^2+P\!M^2)+O\!P^2

\Rightarrow (T\!M+O\!M)^2=(T\!M^2+P\!M^2)+O\!P^2

\Rightarrow T\!M^2+O\!M^2+2\times T\!M \times O\!M=T\!M^2+P\!M^2+O\!P^2

\Rightarrow O\!M^2+2\times T\!M \times O\!M=P\!M^2+O\!P^2

\Rightarrow 3^2+2\times T\!M \times 3=4^2+5^2

\Rightarrow 9+6 T\!M =25+16

\Rightarrow 6 T\!M =32

\Rightarrow T\!M =\frac{16}{3}

By eq (1) ,


           =\left ( \frac{16}{3} \right )^2 + 4^2

           = \frac{256}{9} + 16

           = \frac{256+144}{9}

           = \frac{400}{9}

PT^2=\left ( \frac{20}{3} \right )^2

PT= \frac{20}{3} \; cm

The length of tangent PT is  \frac{20}{3} \; cm



Posted by

Ravindra Pindel

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