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header-bg qa

Write all the values of p for which the quadratic equation x^2 + px + 16 = 0 has equal roots. Find the roots of the equation so obtained.


Answers (1)

Quadratic equation x^2 + px + 16 has equal roots.

value of p = ?

For equal roots,     D = b^2 -4ac = 0

                                \Rightarrow p^2 - 4\cdot 1 \cdot 16 = 0

                                \Rightarrow p^2= 64 \Rightarrow p = \pm 8

\therefore x^2 \pm 8 x + 16 = 0

                (x \pm 4)^2 = 0

                x \pm 4 = 0

So, the roots are x = 4 and x = -4

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Safeer PP

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