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Please solve RD Sharma Class 12 Chapter 26 Directions Cosines and Direction Ratio Exercise Multiple Choice Question, question 4 Maths textbook solution.

Answers (1)

Answer: (a) 7

Hint: Distance between planes passing through points is the length of edge

Given: Points (2,3,5) and (5,9,7)

Solution: In geometry parallelopiped is a three dimension figure with six parallelogram


Let P and Q be the points. So, all the plane passes through these points. Now distance between planes joining (a,0,0) and (b,0,0) is |b-a|. Similarly, we can generate 3 pairs of plane from each coordinate from these 2 points.

For x-coordinate, value of a is


For y-coordinate, value of b is


For z-coordinate value of c is


The edges of parallelopiped are 3,6,2

Length of diagonal=

\begin{aligned} &\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}} \\ &=\sqrt{3^{2}+6^{2}+2^{2}} \\ &=\sqrt{9+36+4} \\ &=\sqrt{49} \\ &=7 \end{aligned}

Therefore, the length of diagonal is 7. Hence option (a) 7 is correct.


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