A semiconductor X is made by doping a germanium crystal with arsenic ( = 33). A second semiconductor Y is made by doping germanium with indium ( = 49). The two are joined end to end and connected to a battery as shown. Which of the following statements is correct
X is P-type, is -type and the junction is forward biased
X is P -type, is -type and the junction is forward biased
X is P -type, is -type and the junction is reverse biased
X is N -type, is -type and the junction is reverse biased
Arsenic has five valence electrons, so it a donor impurity. Hence X becomes N-type semiconductor. Indium has only three outer electrons, so it is an acceptor impurity. Hence Y becomes P-type semiconductor. Also N (i.e., X ) is connected to positive terminal of battery and P( i.e. , Y ) is connected to negative terminal of battery so P N junction is reverse biased
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