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Given below are two statements : Statement I : The E^{o} value for Ce^{4+} / Ce^{3+} is +1.74\; V. Statement II : Ce is more stable in Ce^{4+} state than Ce^{3+} state. In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
Option: 1 Both statement I and statement II are correct
Option: 2 Both statement I and statement II are incorrect
Option: 3 Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct  
Option: 4 Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect

Answers (1)


The Eo value for Ce4+/Ce3+ is +1.74 V because the most stable oxidation state of lanthanide series elements is +3.

It means Ce3+ is more stable than Ce4+

Posted by

Kuldeep Maurya

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