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Which among the following factors is the most important in making fluorine the strongest oxidising agent?

  • Option 1)

    Electron affinity

  • Option 2)

    Ionization energy

  • Option 3)

    Hydration enthalpy

  • Option 4)

    Bond dissociation energy


Answers (1)

As we learnt in

Electron gain enthalpy -

When an electron is added to a neutral gaseous atom (x) to convert it into a negative ion, the enthalpy change accompanying the process is defined as the electron gain enthalpy 
(\Delta_{eg}H^\circleddash )




There are two factors that affect fluorine's oxidizing power namely Hydration enthalpy and Bond energy. But of these, Hydration enthalpy plays a greater role than the other. 

Option 1)

Electron affinity


Option 2)

Ionization energy


Option 3)

Hydration enthalpy


Option 4)

Bond dissociation energy


Posted by

Sabhrant Ambastha

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