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 Three identical bars A, B and C are made of different magnetic materials.  When kept in a uniform magnetic field, the field lines around them look as follows :

Make the correspondence of these bars with their material being diamagnetic (D),ferromagnetic (F) and paramagnetic (P) :

Option: 1

A\leftrightarrow D,B\leftrightarrow P,C\leftrightarrow F

Option: 2

A\leftrightarrow F,B\leftrightarrow D,C\leftrightarrow P

Option: 3

A\leftrightarrow P,B\leftrightarrow F,C\leftrightarrow D

Option: 4

A\leftrightarrow F,B\leftrightarrow P,C\leftrightarrow D

Answers (1)


As we discussed inconcept

Diamagnetic Substance -

B<B0, B/B0<1 or \frac{\mu}{\mu_{0}}<, \mu_{r} <1

Relative permeability of diamagnetic substance.



 Dimagnetic material are repelled in an external magnetic field. Bar B represents diamagnetic materials.

Posted by

Shailly goel

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