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What quantity (in mL) of a 45% acid solution of a monoprotic strong acid must be mixed with a 20% solution of the same acid to produce 800 mL of a 29.875% acid solution?
Option: 1 320
Option: 2 325
Option: 3 316
Option: 4 330

Answers (1)



Reactions in Solutions -

Concentration :
It is the amount of solute present in one litre of solution. It is denoted by C or S.

\\ \mathrm{C\, or\, S\, =\, \frac{Weight\, of\, solute\, in\, gram}{Volume\, in\, litre}} \\\\ \mathrm{C\, =\, N\, \times\, E}\\\\\mathrm{Here\, N\, =\, normality\, and \, E\, =\, Eq.\, wt.}

Mole Fraction:
It is the ratio of moles of one component to the total number of moles present In the solution. It is expressed by X for example, for a binary solution with two components A and B.

X_{A}\, = \frac{n_{A}}{n_{A}\, +\, n_{B}}

X_{B}\, = \frac{n_{B}}{n_{A}\, +\, n_{B}}

X_{A}\, +\, X_{B}\, =\, 1

Here nA and nB represent moles of solvent and solute respectively. Mole fraction does not depend upon temperature as both solute and solvent are expressed by weight.

It is the number of moles or gram moles of solute dissolved per litre of the solution. Molarity is denoted by 'M'.
\mathrm{M\, =\, \frac{Weight\, of\, solute\, in\, gram}{Molar\, mass\, \times\, volume\, in\, litre}}

  • When molarity of a solution is one, it is called a molar solution and when it is 0.1, solution is called decimolar solution. 
  •  Molarity depends upon temperature and its unit is mol/litre. 
    M1V1 = M2V2
  • On dilution water added = V2 - V1
  • When the solution of two different substances react together then 
    \mathrm{\frac{M_{1}V_{1}}{n_{1}}\, =\, \frac{M_{2}V_{2}}{n_{2}}}
    Here M, V, n are molarity, volume and number of molecules taking part in a reaction respectively. 
  • When a mixture of different solutions having different concentrations are taken the molarity of the mixture is calculated as follows: 
    \mathrm{M\, =\, \frac{M_{1}V_{1}\, + M_{2}V_{2}\,.....}{V_{1}\, +\, V_{2}.....}}
  • When density and % by weight of a substance in a solution are given, molarity is find as follows: 
    \mathrm{M\, =\,\frac{\%\, by\, weight\,\times\, d\, \times\, 10}{Molecular\, weight}}
    Here d = density 

It is the number of moles or gram moles of solute dissolved per kilogram of the solvent. It is denoted by 'm'.
\mathrm{m\, =\, \frac{Weight\, of\, solute\, in\, gram }{Molar\, mass\, \times\, wt.\, of\, solvent\, in\, Kg}}

  • If molality is one solution, it is called molal solution.
  • One molal solution is less than one molar solution.
  • Molality is preferred over molarity during experiments as molality is temperature independent while molarity is temperature-dependent. 

It is the number of gram equivalents of solute present in one litre of the solution and it is denoted by 'N'.
\mathrm{N\, =\, \frac{Weight\, of\, solute\, in\, gram }{Equivalent\, mass\, \times\, volume\, in\, litre }}

  • When normality of a solution is one, the solution is called normal solution and when it is 0.1, the solution is called deci-normal solution. 

Normality Equation:

\mathrm{N_{1}V_{1}\, =\, N_{2}V_{2}}

  • Volume Of water added = V2 - V1 
    Here V2 = volume after dilution 
            V1 = volume before dilution 
  • When density and % by weight of a substance in a solution are given, normality is find as follows: 

    \mathrm{N\, =\, \frac{\%\, by\, weight\, \times\, d \times\, 10 }{Equivalent\ weight }}
    Here d = density of solution 
  • When a mixture of different solutions having different concentrations are taken the normality of the mixture is calculated as follows: 
    \mathrm{N\, =\, \frac{N_{1}V_{1}\, + N_{2}V_{2}\,.....}{V_{1}\, +\, V_{2}.....}}
    • In case of acid-base neutralization the normality of the resulting solution 
      \mathrm{N\, =\, \frac{N_{1}V_{1}\, - \, N_{2}V_{2}\,.....}{V_{1}\, +\, V_{2}.....}}
    • To find weight of substance 
    W\, =\, \frac{NEV}{1000}

Relation between Normality and Molarity :
N x Eq wt. = molarity x molar mass 
N = molarity x valency 
N = molarity x number of H+ or OH- ion 




As we have learnt,

\\\mathrm{\frac{V\times45}{100}\,+\,\frac{(800-V)20}{100}\, =\, \frac{800\times29.875}{100}}\\\\\mathrm{\frac{9V}{20}\, +\, 160\, -\, \frac{V}{5}\, =\, 239}\\\\\mathrm{\frac{5V}{20}\, =\, 79\,}\\\\\mathrm{\therefore V\, =\, 316}

Therefore, Option (3) is correct


Posted by

vishal kumar

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