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header-bg qa

Which one of the following graphs represents correctly the gravitational field intensity (I) with distance (r) from the center of a uniform solid sphere of mass M and radius a?

Option: 1

Option: 2

Option: 3

Option: 4

Answers (1)


As we learn

Gravitational field intensity due to Uniform solid sphere -

Outside surface \left ( r>R \right )

I= \frac{GM}{r^{2}}

* on the surface


I= \frac{GM}{R^{2}}

- wherein

* Inside surface  r<R


I= \frac{GMr}{R^{3}}


 I\! f\, r> a\: \: \: I =\frac{GM}{r^{2}}

I\! f \: r= a \: \: \: I =\frac{GM}{a^{2}}

If   r< a   then I =\frac{GMr}{a^{3}}


Posted by

seema garhwal

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