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Why a common emitter transistor is preferred over a common base transistor?

Option: 1

Because the thickness of emitter section is much larger than that of the base section.

Option: 2

Because of the current gain in CB mode is much larger than that in CE mode

Option: 3

Because the current gain in CE mode is much larger than that in CB mode.

Option: 4

Because of the infinite input resistance of common Base transistor.

Answers (1)


As we learn

To study the characteristics of common emitter n-p-n or p-n-p transistor -

Input characters.

ri= \left [\frac{\Delta V_{BE}}{\Delta I_{B}} \right ]_{V_{CE}}=Const.

ri  = Input resistance 

ro = Output resistance  = 

\DeltaVBE = Base - Emitter Voltage 

\DeltaIB =  Change in base current 

* ro  = \left [ \frac{\Delta V_{CE}}{\Delta I_{C}} \right ]_{I_{B}}= Const.

\Delta V_{CE} = Change in collector - emitter voltage

\Delta I_{C} = Change in collector current

- wherein

* If graph is plotted between IB  (base current) and VBE = Voltage of base - Emitter then it shows input character. 

* If graph is plotted between Ic and Vce  keeping base (IB) const. it is known as output characteristics 



 Correct option is 4


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