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Instructions: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearrange them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. 

Input: sequential 25 indigo at 83 whatsapp 52 tuner

Step 1 : 25 sequential indigo at 83 whatsapp 52 tuner 

Step 2 : 25 whatsapp sequential indigo at 83 52 tuner 

Step 3 : 25 whatsapp 52 sequential indigo at 83 tuner 

Step 4 : 25 whatsapp 52 tuner sequential indigo at 83 

Step 5 : 25 whatsapp 52 tuner 83 sequential indigo at 

As per the rule followed in the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input : someone headquarters 38 65 all margaret 85 58

How many steps will be required to complete the re-arrangement?

  • Option 1)


  • Option 2)


  • Option 3)


  • Option 4)


  • Option 5)


Answers (1)


Input : someone headquarters 38 65 all margaret 85 58
Step I : 38 someone headquarters 65 all margaret 85 58
Step II : 38 someone 58 headquarters 65 all margaret 85
Step III : 38 someone 58 margaret headquarters 65 all 85 
Step IV : 38 someone 58 margaret headquarters 65 85 all

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