Instructions: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearrange
them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: chammy wonky 26 33 58 hardstem Bataan 65.
Step 1 : 65 C W 26 33 58 H B
Step 2 : 65 B C W 26 33 58 H
Step 3 : 65 B 58 C W 26 33 H
Step 4 : 65 B 58 C 33 W 26 H
Step 5 : 65 B 58 C 33 H 26 W
Step 6 : 65 B 58 C 33 H 26 W
As per the rule followed in the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Step 3 of an input is : 81 brotula 77 suffix hockey Lactaid 37 40
Which of the following will step 6?
81 brotula 37 hockey 40 suffix Lactaid 77
81 brotula 77 hockey 40 Lactaid suffix 37
81 brotula hockey 77 hockey 40 Lactaid 37 suffix
Cannot be determined
81 brotula 77 hockey 40 suffix Lactaid 37