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Direction: Read the passage and answer the question


Title: "The Dilemma of Digital Distraction"


In an age dominated by technology, the prevalence of digital devices has become a double-edged sword. While these devices offer unprecedented access to information, connectivity, and productivity, they also pose significant challenges in the form of digital distraction.


The constant notifications, alerts, and the allure of endless scrolling can easily divert one's attention from tasks at hand. This phenomenon has been particularly pronounced in educational and professional settings, where sustained focus and concentration are paramount. Students find themselves toggling between coursework and social media, while professionals grapple with the constant pull of emails and notifications.


Research indicates that the impact of digital distraction extends beyond immediate attention loss. Prolonged exposure to a barrage of digital stimuli can lead to reduced cognitive function, increased stress levels, and diminished productivity. The ability to engage in deep, uninterrupted work becomes increasingly elusive.


Addressing the dilemma of digital distraction requires a multifaceted approach. Cultivating digital mindfulness involves developing awareness of one's digital habits and implementing strategies to mitigate distraction. This may include setting specific time blocks for focused work, utilising productivity apps, and establishing digital-free zones.


Furthermore, creating a conducive environment for productivity is essential. This involves minimising unnecessary digital stimuli, optimising workspace layout, and implementing effective time management techniques. Employers and educational institutions also play a crucial role in fostering a culture that values deep work and provides the necessary resources for managing digital distractions.


Ultimately, finding a balance between harnessing the benefits of technology and mitigating its distracting influence is a personal and collective endeavour. By acknowledging the challenges posed by digital distraction and implementing proactive strategies, individuals and organisations can reclaim focus, productivity, and overall well-being in the digital age.



What is the significance of creating a conducive environment for productivity, as mentioned in the passage?


Option: 1

It is not important for managing digital distractions.

Option: 2

It involves optimising workspace layout and minimising unnecessary digital stimuli..

Option: 3

It has no impact on cognitive function

Option: 4

It is only relevant for educational institutions.


Answers (1)


The passage emphasises that creating a conducive environment for productivity involves optimising workspace layout and minimising unnecessary digital stimuli

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