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Directions: Read the passage and answer the question


Title: "The Paradox of Choice"


In a world inundated with options, the freedom to choose has become both a blessing and a burden. The modern consumer faces an abundance of choices, from toothpaste brands to career paths. While variety offers opportunities for customization and individuality, it also brings with it the paradox of choice – the notion that an excess of options can lead to decision paralysis and dissatisfaction.


Psychological studies have delved into the complexities of decision-making in the face of abundance. Research suggests that when presented with a vast array of choices, individuals may struggle to evaluate and compare each option effectively. This can result in a phenomenon known as decision fatigue, where the cognitive load of evaluating options becomes overwhelming, leading to delayed or suboptimal decisions.


Moreover, an excess of choices can lead to a sense of regret or missed opportunities. The fear of making the wrong choice, or the belief that a better option exists among the unchosen alternatives, can diminish satisfaction with the chosen outcome. This phenomenon, referred to as post-decision regret, highlights the psychological toll of abundance on our contentment.


However, the concept of choice overload is not without its nuances. While an excess of options can lead to decision paralysis, it can also empower individuals to align their choices with their unique preferences and values. The challenge lies in striking a balance between variety and manageability.


In navigating the paradox of choice, it is essential to develop strategies for effective decision-making. This may involve setting clear criteria for evaluation, limiting options to a manageable range, or seeking advice from trusted sources. By understanding the psychological dynamics at play, individuals can approach choices with greater clarity and confidence


Based on the passage, which term best describes the feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to make a decision when faced with too many options?


Option: 1

Decision fatigue

Option: 2

Post-decision regret

Option: 3

Choice overload

Option: 4

Cognitive load


Answers (1)


The passage discusses how an excess of choices can lead to decision paralysis, which is referred to as the "paradox of choice" or "choice overload."

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