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Directions: Read the passage and answer the question


Title: "The Impact of Technology on Human Relationships"


In an era dominated by screens and virtual connections, the dynamics of human relationships have undergone profound transformations. The ubiquity of smartphones and social media platforms has enabled instantaneous communication, yet it has also introduced complexities and challenges in the realm of human connection.


One notable impact of technology on relationships is the prevalence of digital communication. Text messages, emails, and social media platforms have become primary modes of interaction. While these tools facilitate convenient communication, they can also lead to misinterpretation and a sense of emotional detachment. The absence of non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, can make it challenging to fully grasp the emotional nuances of a conversation.


Moreover, the constant availability of digital communication can blur the boundaries between personal and professional life. The expectation of immediate responsiveness can create a sense of perpetual connectivity, potentially encroaching on moments of rest and reflection. This phenomenon raises questions about the balance between staying connected and preserving personal space and well-being.


Technology's influence on relationships extends to the realm of dating and romantic connections. Dating apps have revolutionised the way people meet potential partners, offering a vast pool of options and preferences. While this expands the possibilities of finding compatible matches, it can also lead to a more transactional approach to dating, where individuals are evaluated based on superficial criteria.


Yet, technology has also demonstrated its capacity to foster meaningful connections. Virtual communities centred around shared interests and passions have enabled individuals to connect with like-minded people across geographical boundaries. These communities serve as platforms for collaboration, support, and the exchange of ideas, enriching the human experience.


Navigating the impact of technology on relationships requires thoughtful consideration and conscious choices. Establishing digital boundaries, practising active listening in virtual interactions, and nurturing face-to-face connections remain crucial in preserving the depth and authenticity of human relationships in the digital age.

Directions: According to the passage, what is a potential drawback of digital communication in relationships?


Option: 1

It leads to immediate responsiveness

Option: 2

It enhances emotional nuances in conversations

Option: 3

It can result in misinterpretation and emotional detachment

Option: 4

It eliminates the need for non-verbal cues


Answers (1)


The passage points out that while digital communication facilitates convenient interaction, it can also lead to misinterpretation and a sense of emotional detachment due to the absence of non-verbal cues.

Posted by

Divya Prakash Singh

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