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Directions: Read the passage and answer the question


Title: "The Dilemma of Technological Dependency"


In the era of rapid technological advancement, society finds itself at a crossroads. On one hand, the marvels of innovation have revolutionised nearly every aspect of daily life, from communication to healthcare. On the other hand, this progress has brought about a growing dependency on technology, raising important questions about its long-term consequences.


The positive impacts of technology are undeniable. Medical breakthroughs have extended lifespans and improved the quality of life for countless individuals. Communication across vast distances has become instantaneous, fostering global connections and collaborations. Additionally, automation and artificial intelligence have streamlined industries, increasing efficiency and productivity.


However, with the increasing integration of technology into every facet of life, concerns about dependency arise. The reliance on smartphones for information and entertainment, for example, can lead to reduced face-to-face interactions and a decline in certain social skills. In addition, the vulnerability of critical systems to cyber-attacks poses a significant threat to national security and public safety.


Balancing the benefits and risks of technological dependency is a complex task. It requires a thoughtful examination of how to harness the advantages of innovation while mitigating potential drawbacks. As society continues its journey into an increasingly digital future, understanding the nuances of this dilemma becomes paramount.



Based on the passage, what is the tone of the author towards technological dependency?


Option: 1

Optimistic and appreciative of its benefits.

Option: 2

Cautious, acknowledging both benefits and risks.

Option: 3

Critical and sceptical of its long-term consequences.

Option: 4

Sarcastic, mocking society's reliance on technology.



Answers (1)


The correct answer is 2) "Cautious, acknowledging both benefits and risks." The passage presents a balanced view of technological dependency, discussing both the positive impacts and the concerns associated with it. It acknowledges the benefits of technological advancement while also raising important questions about its long-term consequences. The other options do not accurately represent the tone conveyed in the passage.

Posted by

Ritika Jonwal

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