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In Plato's famous allegory of the cave, he presents a scenario in which prisoners have been chained inside a cave since birth. They are facing the wall of the cave, unable to turn their heads to see what is behind them. Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners, there is a raised walkway where various objects are placed, casting shadows on the cave wall. The prisoners, having never seen anything else, believe that the shadows on the wall are the only reality.

Question: What role does the fire play in the allegory of the cave?



Option: 1

It symbolises the prisoners' desire for knowledge.

Option: 2

It casts shadows on the cave wall.

Option: 3

It represents the true source of enlightenment.

Option: 4

It is a metaphor for the physical world.


Answers (1)


In the allegory, the fire behind the prisoners is responsible for casting shadows on the cave wall, which are the only things the prisoners can see. The fire symbolises the limited knowledge and understanding that the prisoners have of the world outside the cave.

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