2839155 is divisible by
None of the above
Test of Divisibility -
Divisible by 5: if and only if the last digit is either 0 or 5
For example: 24745 is divisible by 5, as last disgit is 5.
Divisible by 11: if and only if the difference between the sum of digits in the odd places (starting from right) and Sum of the digits in the even places (starting from right) is a multiple of 11.
For Example: 27951 is divisible by 11
The sum of digits in the odd places is 2+9+1=12
The sum of digits in the even places is 7+5=12
The difference between the sum of digits in the odd places (starting from right) and Sum of the digits in the even places (starting from right) is 12-12=0
0 is divisible by 11.
2839155 is divisible by 5
Sum of the digits in the even places = 5 + 9 + 8 = 22
Sum of the digits in the odd places = 5 + 1 + 3 + 2 =11
Difference between the two sums = 22 – 11= 11
11 is divisible by 11.
Hence, 2839155 is divisible by 11.
Option C is correct