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Directions for question:

A to H are four married couples in no specific order who are sitting around a round table equidistant from each other, all facing the centre of the table, such that neither any couple nor any men are sitting next to each other. A is a man who is sitting opposite to G. E has both F and G as neighbours. H is to the immediate right of B. C and H belongs to the same gender and is not sitting opposite to each other. C and B is a couple and have two persons sitting in between them.


Who is sitting between E and C ?

Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


Answers (1)


A to H are four married couples in no specific order who are sitting around a round table equidistant from each other. Thus the table has 8 equidistant sitting positions :

A is a man who is sitting opposite to G. Thus :

E has both F and G as neighbours. Two cases arise from this point :

H is to the immediate right of B. Four cases rise from this point :

C and B have two persons sitting in between them. Two cases are only possible out of the above four cases due to this point :

But C and H are not sitting opposite to each other. Hence the first case from above does not hold. Hence the final positions of seating are :

It is given that neither any couple nor any men are sitting next to each other. So since A is a man, C and H must be women. Thus :

C and B is a couple. Since C is a woman, thus B must be a man. Thus :

There are two men among the others, and no men are sitting next to each other. So G and F are bound to be men and D and E women. Hence :

C and B are a couple.

G cannot be the husband of D, E and C. So H and G must be another couple.

F cannot be the husband of E, C and H. So D and F must be the third couple.

So the fourth couple is E and A.

Hence F is sitting between E and C

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