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Directions for question :

Amitabh, Naseeruddin, Om, Pankaj, Nawazuddin, Shahid, Shahrukh, Ajay and Jackie were nine actors from among whom three teams consisting respectively of two, three and four members had to be formed, one team each for each of the sequels of an epic trilogy to be shot by a renowned director, in any order.

The following were the conditions for the selection in the formation of the teams :

a) Om had to have three more actors with him, as the sequel for which he was selected had four male characters

b) Om and Jackie would represent the same character in the sequels of the trilogy, and hence they could not be in the same team

c) Ajay and Naseeruddin would also represent the same character in the sequels of the trilogy, so could not be in the same team

d) Shahid and Shahrukh would represent the character of twins in one of the sequels of the trilogy, and hence had to be together in the team

e) Pankaj was acting in the sequel which had only three male characters

Question :

If Pankaj had Amitabh as a part of his three member team, which two members among the options below should be in the team of Om ?

Option: 1

Naseeruddin and Shahid


Option: 2

Shahid and Shahrukh

Option: 3

Ajay and Shahrukh

Option: 4

Ajay and Nawazuddin


Answers (1)


Pankaj and Amitabh were the members of the three member team

From (a), Om was in the four member team

So, Shahid and Shahrukh, who were together in a team (d), could either be in the team of two or team of four members

Let us suppose Shahid and Shahrukh were in the team of two members

From (b), Jackie had to be in the three member team with Pankaj and Amitabh

But then all the actors left – Naseeruddin, Ajay and Nawazuddin – had to be in the same team as Om.

But condition (c) would be violated.

Hence, Shahid and Shahrukh were in the team of four members with Om

The others could be anywhere in the four places vacant, one in the team of four, one in the team of three and two in the team of two.

Hence, Shahid and Shahrukh should be in the team of Om

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