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Directions for Question : Read the passage given below and answer the questions with the most appropriate choice.


The Renaissance, a cultural and intellectual movement that spanned roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, marked a pivotal period in European history. Emerging in Italy, it brought forth a fervent revival of interest in the classical art, literature, and learning of ancient Greece and Rome. This rebirth of classical ideals was accompanied by a surge of creativity and innovation that would reshape the course of Western civilization.


Artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael embodied the spirit of the Renaissance, creating masterpieces that blended technical skill with a profound understanding of human anatomy and emotion. Their works, whether on canvas or in marble, captured the essence of human potential and aspiration.


Simultaneously, thinkers like Petrarch and Erasmus ignited an intellectual reawakening. The humanist movement, which emphasised the value of individualism and the study of classical texts, propelled a revolution in education and scholarship. Universities were reinvigorated, and libraries amassed vast collections of ancient manuscripts.


The Renaissance was not confined to Italy alone; it rippled across Europe, finding fertile ground in centres like Florence, Venice, and Rome, and later, in cities such as Paris, London, and Amsterdam. Each locale contributed its unique flavour to the cultural tapestry of the era.


One of the enduring legacies of the Renaissance was the Gutenberg printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440. This revolutionary device facilitated the mass production of books, democratising access to knowledge and spurring the dissemination of ideas across the continent. It was a catalyst for the Reformation, the scientific revolution, and the Enlightenment, setting the stage for further intellectual and societal transformations.


The legacy of the Renaissance endures in the form of the magnificent artworks, the rediscovered classical texts, and the spirit of inquiry and humanism that continue to shape our world. Its impact reverberates through the corridors of art galleries, the halls of universities, and the pages of history books, reminding us of the boundless potential of human creativity and intellect.



What was one of the enduring legacies of the Renaissance mentioned in the passage?


Option: 1

The invention of the telescope

Option: 2

The Gutenberg printing press

Option: 3

The construction of the Great Wall of China


Option: 4

The development of steam power

Answers (1)


The passage explicitly states that one of the enduring legacies of the Renaissance was the Gutenberg printing press.


Posted by

Ritika Harsh

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