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Directions for question :

The following line-graphs depict the number of Sales-Executives of the antiseptic division of M/s G D Pharmaceuticals of Kolkata (first graph), and the sales revenue (in crores of Rs) per Executive per year of their iconic product Boroline (second graph), from 2018 to 2022.

The total sales revenue in a year is equal to the product of the sales revenue per Executive per year to the number of Executives in the year.


In which year was the sales revenue of M/s G D Pharmaceuticals from Boroline the highest ?


Option: 1


Option: 2


Option: 3


Option: 4


Answers (1)


From observation of the graphs it can be seen that in 2022 the number of Sales-Executives was the second highest (less by a small amount from the highest in 2020), and the sales revenue per Executive was the highest (more by a large amount from the one in 2020).

The total sales revenue in a year is equal to the product of the sales revenue per Executive per year to the number of Executives in the year

Hence, the sales revenue of M/s G D Pharmaceuticals from Boroline was the highest in 2022.


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