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In the heart of the ancient forest, towering trees stretched their branches towards the heavens, their leaves forming a verdant canopy that filtered the sunlight into a dappled dance of shadows on the forest floor. Moss-clad stones, witnesses to centuries of existence, dotted the landscape, offering a silent testament to the passage of time. A chorus of birdsong echoed through the woodland, each note harmonising with the rustling leaves and the gentle babble of a nearby brook.


As one ventured deeper into this sylvan realm, the air grew cooler and filled with the earthy fragrance of damp soil and fallen leaves. Enigmatic ferns unfurled their delicate fronds, reaching for the ephemeral rays of sunlight that pierced the canopy. A sense of reverence hung in the air, as if the very trees themselves held ancient secrets and whispered them to those who dared to listen.


The forest floor, a mosaic of fallen leaves and delicate wildflowers, cradled the footfalls of any wanderer in a cushion of nature's own design. Squirrels darted through the underbrush, their tails like banners of fleeting moments. Every step seemed to echo through the woods, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things, bound by the cycle of growth, decay, and rebirth.

What is the predominant tone of the passage?


Option: 1



Option: 2


Option: 3



Option: 4


Answers (1)

The passage exudes a sense of reverence and awe towards the ancient forest. Phrases like "witnesses to centuries of existence," "sense of reverence hung in the air," and "whispered them to those who dared to listen" convey a deep respect and admiration for the natural world. The description of the forest as ancient and enigmatic further reinforces the reverent tone.


Posted by

Ramraj Saini

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