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Which paragraph has a neutral tone?


Paragraph 1:

The quaint village nestled in the valley was a picture of tranquillity. The locals greeted each other with smiles, and life moved at a leisurely pace.


Paragraph 2:

The concert hall was alive with the beautiful melodies of the orchestra, filling the audience's hearts with awe and wonder.


Paragraph 3:

The long, arduous journey through the treacherous mountain pass tested the hikers' endurance and resilience. The biting cold and thin air made it a challenging expedition.


Paragraph 4:

The political debate grew increasingly heated, with candidates resorting to personal attacks rather than addressing the pressing issues facing the country. The discourse left many feeling disillusioned with the state of politics.


Option: 1

Paragraph 1

Option: 2

Paragraph 2

Option: 3

Paragraph 3

Option: 4

Paragraph 4

Answers (1)


Paragraph 3 describes a challenging hiking expedition without conveying a strongly positive or negative emotion, creating a neutral tone. The other paragraphs (1, 2, and 4) evoke strong positive or negative emotions.


Posted by

Gautam harsolia

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