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Which passage has a positive tone?


Passage 1: "In the aftermath of the economic recession, job losses and financial hardships became widespread. Many families struggled to make ends meet, and the future appeared uncertain for countless individuals. The impact of the recession left a lasting sense of disillusionment."


Passage 2: "The scientific research paper presents the findings of a comprehensive study on climate change. It analyses data from various sources and discusses potential implications for the environment. The authors maintain an objective and data-driven approach throughout the paper."


Passage 3: "The community rallied together to support a local charity's food drive. Volunteers of all ages enthusiastically collected donations, and businesses generously contributed supplies. The event's success reflected the community's strong spirit of giving."


Passage 4: "While the new policy aimed to address environmental concerns, it faced criticism from some stakeholders. Environmentalists praised the commitment to sustainability, but industry representatives expressed concerns about potential economic impacts. The policy sparked a spirited debate."


Option: 1

Passage 1

Option: 2

Passage 2

Option: 3

Passage 3

Option: 4

Passage 4

Answers (1)


Passage 3 has a positive tone as it describes a community coming together to support a charity's food drive. Phrases like "rallied together," "enthusiastically collected donations," and "strong spirit of giving" all convey a positive and uplifting atmosphere, reflecting the passage's positive tone. The other passages have negative, neutral, or mixed tones as described in their respective passages.


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