Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its particular named taxonomic category?
Tiger-tigris, the species
Cuttle fish-mollusca, a class
Humans-primata, the family
Housefly-musca, an order
As we learnt in
Binomial Nomenclature -
It is a system of naming organism, in which it is given only one name consisting of two words. First word is the gencric name and second is specific name.
- wherein
E.g Homo sapiens, Magnifera indica,Ocimum sanctum. It was given by Carolus Linnaeus.
Biological nomenclature of tiger is Panthera tigris. Here, 'Panthera' is genus and 'tigris' is species.
Option 1)
Tiger-tigris, the species
This option is correct.
Option 2)
Cuttle fish-mollusca, a class
This option is incorrect.
Option 3)
Humans-primata, the family
This option is incorrect.
Option 4)
Housefly-musca, an order
This option is incorrect.