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If Avogadro number NA, is changed from 6.022 x 1023 mol-1 to 6.022 x l020 mol-1, this would change :

  • Option 1)

    the definition of mass in units of grams.

  • Option 2)

    the mass of one mole of carbon.

  • Option 3)

    the ratio of chemical species to each other in a balanced equation.

  • Option 4)

    the ratio of elements to each other in a compund.


Answers (1)


As we learnt in 

Mole Concept -

One mole is the amount of a substance that contains as many particles or entities as there are atoms in exactly 12 g (or 0.012 kg) of the 12C isotope.

- wherein

one mole = 6.0221367 X 1023   



 So if now, I mole = 6.022X1020

then 6.022X1020 atoms of carbon mass = \frac{12g}{1000}

1 mol of carbon atom mass = 0.012g




Option 1)

the definition of mass in units of grams.

This option is incorrect.

Option 2)

the mass of one mole of carbon.

This option is correct.

Option 3)

the ratio of chemical species to each other in a balanced equation.

This option is incorrect.

Option 4)

the ratio of elements to each other in a compund.

This option is incorrect.

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