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header-bg qa

The given electrical network is equivalent to:

  • Option 1)

    AND  gate

  • Option 2)

    OR gate

  • Option 3)

    NOR gate

  • Option 4)

    NOT gate


Answers (1)


As we learnt in 

NOR Gate -

NOT + OR  Gate

- wherein

Y= overline{A+ B}

A and B are input

Y is out put

 Y_{1}= \overline{A+ B}

Y_{2}= \overline{Y_{1}} = \phi . \overline{\overline {A+B}}  = A+B

Y =    \overline{Y}_{2} = \overline{A+B}

\thereforeIt represent NOR gate. 

Option 1)

AND  gate

This option is incorrect.

Option 2)

OR gate

This option is incorrect.

Option 3)

NOR gate

This option is correct.

Option 4)

NOT gate

This option is incorrect.

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