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How does the rate of photosynthesis change with temperature, and how does this affect the distribution of plant species throughout various temperature ranges?

Option: 1

The rate of photosynthesis increases with temperature, but only up to a certain point, after which it plateaus. Plant species in warmer temperature zones have a higher rate of photosynthesis, allowing them to outcompete species in cooler zones.

Option: 2

The rate of photosynthesis increases with temperature and continues to increase indefinitely. Plant species in warmer temperature zones have a higher rate of photosynthesis, allowing them to outcompete species in cooler zones.

Option: 3

The rate of photosynthesis decreases with temperature, but only up to a certain point, after which it plateaus. Plant species in cooler temperature zones have a higher rate of photosynthesis, allowing them to outcompete species in warmer zones.

Option: 4

The rate of photosynthesis decreases with temperature and continues to decrease indefinitely. Plant species in cooler temperature zones have a higher rate of photosynthesis, allowing them to outcompete species in warmer zones.

Answers (1)


One of the main abiotic elements that might affect the rate of photosynthesis in plants is temperature. The rate of photosynthesis typically rises with temperature up to a certain degree, after which it plateaus or falls because the process's enzymes become denaturized. The influence of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis is precisely described in Option A, making it the right choice.

Different plant species can be distributed in different temperature zones depending on their ideal temperature ranges for photosynthesis. For instance, plant species in zones with higher temperatures have better rates of photosynthesis, which gives them an advantage over those in zones with lower temperatures. 

This is because they have an edge in terms of growth and reproduction due to greater temperatures allowing them to produce more energy from the sun. The distribution of plant species in various temperature zones, however, can also be influenced by other variables such as water availability and soil nutrients.

It's crucial to remember that while the rate of photosynthesis generally tends to rise with temperature, this relationship is not always clear-cut or constant across various plant species. Some species might have various temperature optimum ranges or adaptations that allow them to survive in colder climates.

For Example. Overall, there are a variety of elements besides temperature that can affect the distribution and development of different plant species. All of these aspects should be taken into account while researching ecosystems and biodiversity.

Option 1 is the correct answer.

Posted by

seema garhwal

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