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Oxidation states of the metal in the minerals smithsonite and hemimorphite, respectively are:

Option: 1

II, IV in smithsonite and II in hemimorphite

Option: 2

II, IV in smithsonite and IV in hemimorphite

Option: 3

IV in smithsonite and II, IV in hemimorphite


Option: 4

II in smithsonite and II, IV in hemimorphite

Answers (1)


Smithsonite is a mineral composed of zinc carbonate \left(\mathrm{ZnC} \mathrm{O}_3\right), while hemimorphite is a mineral composed of zinc silicate \left(\mathrm{Zn}_4 \mathrm{Si}_2 \mathrm{O}_7(\mathrm{OH})_2 \cdot \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\right). In these minerals, the oxidation state of the metal zinc (\mathrm{Zn}) varies.

In smithsonite, the oxidation states of the zinc (\mathrm{Zn}) ions are primarily +II and +IV. The carbonate ion \left(\mathrm{CO}_3\right) carries a -2 charge, so to balance the charges in the compound, zinc can have an oxidation state of +II. However, there is evidence of some zinc ions in smithsonite having an oxidation state of +IV. This is due to the presence of zinc vacancies (missing zinc ions) in the crystal structure, which can result in some zinc ions being oxidized to the +IV state.

In hemimorphite, the oxidation state of the zinc (\mathrm{Zn}) ions is primarily +II . The silicate ion \left(\mathrm{SiO}_4\right) and hydroxide ion ( \mathrm{OH^-}) in hemimorphite do not contribute to the oxidation state of the zinc. Therefore, the oxidation state of zinc in hemimorphite is solely +II.

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