What is the Electric Double Layer (EDL) in a colloidal solution?
A layer of ions that forms around the colloidal particles.
A layer of surfactants that forms around the colloidal particles.
A layer of solvent molecules that forms around the colloidal particles.
A layer of solid particles that forms around the colloidal particles.
The Electric Double Layer (EDL) is a layer of ions that forms around the colloidal particles in a solution. This layer is formed due to the attraction of ions to the charged surface of the colloidal particle, resulting in the formation of a diffuse layer of oppositely charged ions.The EDL is formed due to the interaction of the charged colloidal particles with the oppositely charged ions in the solution. When a colloidal particle is introduced into a solution, it attracts ions of the opposite charge to its surface, creating a layer of charged ions around the particle. This layer of ions is called the Stern layer or the electrical double layer, and it consists of a layer of tightly bound ions, in contact with the surface of the particle, and a diffuse layer of ions extending into the solution. The Stern layer is the first layer of ions that are in immediate contact with the surface of the colloidal particle.