12. Both lysosomes and vacuoles are endomembrane structures, yet they differ in terms of their functions. Comment.
Both lysosome and vacuole are endomembranous structures with only a single membrane, in the case of vacuoles, the membrane is called tonoplast. Despite being endomembranous structures, the function of lysosome and vacuole differs considerably. The lysosome consists of hydrolytic enzymes that hydrolyze various substances except for cellulose. These can even digest worn contents of their cell if required. Due to this reason, lysosomes are also called suicidal bags. On the other hand, vacuoles are non-cytoplasmic sacs that store substances. For example, sap vacuole stores sap with organic and inorganic substances and by this maintains the osmotic pressure and turgidity of the cell. Similarly, food vacuoles store food and gas vacuoles store metabolic gases.