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12. Describe the important characteristics of gymnosperms.

Answers (1)

Important characteristics of gymnosperms

1. Gymnosperms are seed plants in which the seeds remain exposed over the surface of megasporophylls. 

2. Gymnosperms are represented by 900 living species.

3. Gymnosperms are perennial and woody plants (either trees or bushes). The xylem of gymnosperms does not possess vessels except in Gnetum. Phloem is without companion cells and sieve tubes. 

4. Two types of sporophylls occur in gymnosperms. These are microsporophylls and megasporophylls. The microsporophylls aggregate to form male strobili or cone while megasporophylls aggregate to form female strobili or cone. Microsporangia and megasporangia are borne on microsporophylls and megasporophylls respectively. 

4. Microsporangia give rise to microspores or pollen grains whereas megasporangia forms megaspores. The male and female gametophytes are formed within microspores and megaspores. 

5. Female gametophyte contains archegonia. The male gametophyte produces only two male gametes or sperms. 

6. The pollination is direct and is accomplishes by wind i.e. anemophily. A pollen tube is formed in gymnosperms. it is called as siphonogamy.

7. Seeds contain endosperm. 


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