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Differentiate between the events of mitosis and meiosis.

Answers (1)





Prophase is shorter in duration. Chromosomes do not become segregated at this stage. Chromosomes show two distinct chromatids. No crossing over takes place during this stage. Prophase is simple and is not distinguishable into sub-stages.

Prophase–I is of longer duration, while prophase–II is of shorter duration. Chromosomes are quite distinct. Chromosomes of prophase–I do not show distinct chromatids. Chiasmata is formed, and crossing overtakes place.


A single metaphasic plate is formed during metaphase. Chromosomes are independent in this phase and do not show connections. Limbs of chromosomes are in different directions. Two chromatids of a chromosome are genetically similar.

Two metaphasic plates are formed during metaphase–I but a single metaphasic plate is formed during metaphase–II. The Homologous chromosomes are interconnected. Limbs of chromosomes point towards the center. The two chromatids of a chromosome are mostly genetically different.


Centromere splits along its length to form two centromeres during anaphase. Chromosomes are single stranded. Similar chromosomes move towards the opposite poles.

During anaphase–I, centromeres do not require segregation, but segregation of centromere takes place during anaphase–II. Double-stranded chromosomes are visible in anaphase–I, but during anaphase–II, single-stranded chromosomes are visible. Dissimilar chromosomes move towards the opposite poles.


Telophase is of longer duration. It produces the interphase nuclei.

Telophase is shorter in case of meiosis.


Cytokinesis is a process that happens after every mitosis. Two daughter cells are formed at the end of this process.

Cytokinesis does not happen after meiosis–I but it happens after the second stage of meiosis. Four daughter cells are formed at the end of meiosis 2.

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