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Q 3.13 Explain clearly, with examples, the distinction between : 

(b) magnitude of average velocity over an interval of time, and the average speed over the same interval. [Average speed of a particle over an interval of time is defined as the total path length divided by the time interval]. Show in both (a) and (b) that the second quantity is either greater than or equal to the first. When is the equality sign true? [For simplicity, consider one-dimensional motion only.]

Answers (1)


The magnitude of average velocity over an interval of time is defined as the total displacement upon the time taken, whereas the average speed over the same interval is defined as the actual distance travelled by the particle divided by the total time taken. e.g., a ball thrown upwards that goes to a height of h in time t and comes down to its starting position at the same time has the magnitude of average velocity zero, whereas the average speed of the ball is h/t. In the case of 1-D motion, the two will be equal if the particle moves only in one direction.

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