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 7. How are the minerals absorbed by the plants?

Answers (1)

Process of mineral absorption by plants

Minerals are absorbed by cells of the root apex, zone of elongation and root hairs. The minerals absorbed by the root hair zone are meant for passage to shoot while the ones absorbed by the root apex and zone of elongation remain in the root. The process of mineral absorption is active. It occurs in two phases i.e. initial phase and the metabolic phase. The initial phase is a passive process wherein ions absorbed from the outside pass into the outer or free space of the cells. It comprises intercellular spaces and cell walls i.e. apoplast. The metabolic phase is an active process wherein ions enter the cytoplasm and cell vacuoles i.e. symplast. The movement of ions is called flux. The inward movement is called influx and the outward movement is called efflux.

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