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8.  How do you distinguish between a skeletal muscle and a cardiac muscle?

Answers (1)

The differences between skeletal muscles and cardiac muscles are as follows: 

Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle
 The functions of skeletal muscles are voluntary. Cardiac muscles function involuntarily.
The cells of these muscles are unbranched. The cells of these muscles are branched.
Intercalated discs between the cells are absent. Intercalated discs between the cells are present.
These consist of alternate light and dark bands These possess faint bands. 
Rapid contraction takes place due to which they get fatigued.  Although rapid contraction takes place they don't get fatigued too easily in a short duration of time.

They help in locomotory actions and body posture as they are present in body parts such as the legs, hands, etc.

Cardiac muscles help in the movements of the heart and are present in the heart.


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