1.7 How will you distinguish between the following pairs of terms:
(iii) Tetrahedral void and octahedral void?
(iii) Tetrahedral void:- When a sphere (atom) of the second layer is above the void of the first layer (or vice versa) production of a tetrahedral void takes place. These voids are known as tetrahedral voids as, when the centres of these four spheres are joined a tetrahedron is formed.
(iv) Octahedral void:- The voids having a triangular in shape (or triangular voids) in the second layer are above the triangular voids in the first layer, also the triangular shapes of these do not overlap. One of them has the apex of the triangle pointing upwards and the other downwards. These voids are surrounded by six spheres/atoms and called as octahedral voids.