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10. How would you distinguish monocots from dicots?

Answers (1)

Differences between monocots and dicots are as follows:

Monocots Dicots     
Monocots possess seeds with a single cotyledon Dicots bear seeds with two cotyledons
Monocots possess isobilateral leaves Dicots possess dorsiventral leaves
The flowers of monocots are generally trimerous i.e. the number of sepals, petals, stamens and pistils is in the multiples of three in these plants The flowers of dicots are pentamerous i.e. the number of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils are in the multiples of five in these plants. 
They have fibrous roots They have tap roots
Cambium is absent in these plants Cambium is present in these plants
Secondary growth is typically lacking. Secondary growth is usually present.
Example includes wheat, onions, and corn. A few examples are beans and grams.


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