Make a list of algae and fungi that have commercial value as a source of food, chemicals, medicines, and fodder.
Following are some algae that have commercial importance: -
- Agar (taken from red algae Gelidium and Gracilaria) - Utilised as a culture
medium in the laboratory.
- Algin (taken from brown algae) carrageen (derived from red algae) -
Utilised as gelling agent in food and in medical dressing.
- Biofuels (derived from various types of algae) - Used in the production of
- Fertiliser (derived from various types of algae) - Utilised as a fertiliser in
several countries.
- Food (Taken from several species of Porphyra, Laminaria, Sargassum) -
These marine algae are consumed as food items. This occurs more in the
East Asian nations.
- Single cell protein (Taken from Chlorella and Spirullina) - Many algae
have high quantities of protein and are utilised as food supplements.
Following are some fungi of commercial importance: -
- Medicine - Penicillium notatum is a fungus used for developing antibiotics of the penicillin group.
- Diseases - Several fungi are known to cause illnesses in both animals and plants.
- Food processing - Yeast for centuries now has been used for fermentation.Alcoholic beverages and bakery items are produced due to the fermentation caused by yeast.
- Food - Different variations of Agaricus are consumed as food in several countries.
- Ripening of cheese - Different variations of fungi are utilised to ripe cheese.
- Spoilage of food - Rhizopus the mould usually found on stale bread is known to ruin many food items. For example, as found in stale bread, fruits and vegetables.